New Works: Ana Miljački

New Works Series: Ana Miljački - Architectural Authorship on Trial
Presented with the Architecture and Urbanism Group
Part of the MIT Spring 2025 Architecture Lecture Series.
In 1996, a former temporary employee of OMA London, and a former student at the Architectural Association (AA), Gareth Pearce, filed copyright infringement complaints against Rem Koolhaas, OMA, Ove Arup, and the City of Rotterdam for an alleged direct copying of his thesis drawings for the production of the Kunsthal. I will recount parts of the history of this court-case that reveal a profound misalignment between the realities of architectural practice, and the persistent, colloquial, as well as juridical assumptions of the coherence between author and “their” work.
This lecture will be held in person in Long Lounge, 7-429 and will not be streamed or recorded.
Lectures are free and open to the public. Lectures will be held Thursdays at 6 PM ET in 7-429 (Long Lounge) and streamed online unless otherwise noted.