Ina Wu

Ina Wu is a researcher/designer working between Hong Kong and Boston. She was born and raised in Taiwan, but spent most of her formative years studying architecture at The University of Hong Kong. Experiencing critical political protests in Hong Kong and Taiwan from the side of privilege has led to her interest in understanding the invisible boundaries of the urban environment.

Her research interest revolves around discovering “the others,” using architecture as a medium to enable alternative views that center our society’s undermined voices. Specifically, she focuses on gender and migrancy in architecture and the urban environment. City fiction is another field of interest she has. In her recent journey at MIT, she is looking to expand her design language and methods of working in architecture to help her navigate the endless “others” that she is looking to engage with.

Other than research, her design interest focuses on possibilities of bridging literature space, drawing space, and physical space. She also has an obsession with designing printed mediums. At the moment, she is exploring post protest trauma and emotional inscription through material manipulation.