Yanyi Liu

Yanyi is a MArch Candidate at MIT’s School of Architecture and Planning.

She received her bachelor degree in Art History and Mathematics from Swarthmore College in 2023. She has worked with design firms on residential and commercial projects and collaborated with artists on set design and theater production. She has also worked with local art initiative and contributed to community-engaged projects.

At MIT, Yanyi hopes to explore the intersection of architecture, theater, and community-building. She is also interested in fabrications with new material. 



The Physicists
This set design of the play The Physicists (by Friedrich Dürrenmatt) pursues a sense of farce and kitsch disguised as realism. Located in an early 1900s European house repurposed into a sanatorium, the set attempts to be something off and whimsical to display visual humor.
Calligraphy Chair
The chair attempts to carry the form and spirit of Chinese calligraphy while using mortise-and-tenon joints for structural integrity. It is made with cherry wood and rattans.