Sotirios Kotsopoulos

Research Affiliate

Sotirios is an Associate Professor of Architecture at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), an Adjunct Professor at the School of Science and Technology at the Open University of Greece, and a Research Affiliate at the School of Architecture of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Sotirios examines the impact of computation on how we practice and explain design. His research contributions are in shape grammars, geometrical/topological aspects of form, and environmental design. His teaching covers topics in the theory of computation, the role of artificial intelligence in design education, and the history & logic of generative systems in design. He has taught numerous courses, cross-disciplinary workshops, studios, and seminars at NTUA, the MIT Media Lab, the MIT Department of Architecture, and the MIT School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (SHASS). Additionally, he has published over forty academic papers and presented at prestigious conferences and symposia worldwide.

Sotirios has significant research experience in formal engineering synthesis and high-performance analytics. He has led multiple funded cross-disciplinary projects and teams involving architects, engineers, and humanities researchers at the MIT Media Lab and the MIT School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (SHASS). In this capacity, he designed and implemented a Connected, Sustainable Home in Trento, Italy, integrating low-tech and high-tech building systems driven by autonomous model-based control. He also contributed to impactful research projects such as the MIT City Car and the Cityscope, a tangible, interactive, real-data urban simulator.

Sotirios received a Ph.D. in Design & Computation and an S.M. ArchS in Design Technology from MIT, an M. Arch from SCI-Arc under a Fulbright scholarship, and a Diploma in Architectural Engineering from NTUA.